Yellow, red, orange, green, blue, rose/purple, turquoise, black, gold; this plate in overglaze has it all.
In the middle the ideal of a Chinese family is depicted with two women, two men and two children making music. The people on the plate are 'Mandarins'. Mandarins are classic high placed officials. They can be distinguished by their clothing in 'Manchu' costume, hairstyle with a high hair bun and hats with a hat-pin. Mandarins were the founders and core of the Chinese privileged elites (bureaucracy), with often a governmental office.
The decoration holds a lot of symbolism and classic instruments. The women sitting in pink is playing a Chinese flute called 'dizi' (笛子), the boy at the table is playing a Chinese traditional pear-shaped lute called 'pipa' (琵琶) while the man in black is playing music stone called 'bianqing' (编磬) together with a small hand drum. Finally, the standing women is playing hand bells better known as 'pengling'.
On the high and lower table at the right sides we can see precious objects of The Hundred Antiques (Hundred Treasures). In the vase there is a standing Wish-granting Scepter (如意, Rúyì) together with scrolls. On the higher table next to a small vase there can be found a gold Ingot (錠/锭, Dìng).
The rim is decoration with bats. Bats symbolize fortune and good luck because the word 'bat' has the same tone as 'luck' in Chinese. Furthermore, the rim holds three different fruits, of which the pomegranate and peach can be recognized.
-Lempertz, 4th of December 2004.
-German collection of Hildegard and Willem Preker.
Reference: For similar style decoration see Rijksmuseum Amsterdam object nrs. AK-NM-13809 and AK-NM-13660.

'Mandarin officials in "A Gathering of Five Suzhou Natives” (1368–1644).'
source: D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, 'Chine de Commande', 1989.